THESEUS meeting in Hamburg

The 6th THESEUS meeting was held from May 14th to May 16th 2012 in Hamburg. The meeting was organized by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG) and the Hamburg Port Authority (HPA).

After a warm welcome of the project coordinator Barbara Zanuttigh and a general update on THESUES activities of last six months, the focus of the meeting was the Decision Support System (DSS).

The 85 members who attended the meeting discussed in plenary and parallel sessions the realization and implementation of the project results into the main THESEUS project products: the DSS, the guidelines and the Special Issue on an international journal.


Picture by Nino Ohle

Picture by Nino Ohle


On Tuesday evening THESEUS members networked during an atmospheric dinner, overlooking the Elbe River and the Harbour, and on Wednesday afternoon during a fieldtrip, which included a visit to the ‘St. Pauli Elbtunnel’. A boot tour around the harbour closed the meeting on the last day.        

The meeting was preceded by the world's biggest port festival: the 823rd edition of the Hamburg Port Anniversary which was held 11-13th May 2012. On board HZG’s research vessel "Ludwig Prantl" HPA and HZG exhibited their joined research projects, including THESEUS. The event attracted a huge interest and culminated with the ‘Clear the Port Parade’, where dozens of ships sailed on the Elbe River.


120513_Hafengeb_LPrantl_133‘Clear the Port Parade’ © HPA

120513_Hafengeb_LPrantl_068 Decorated “Ludwig Prantl” in the Port of Hamburg.

>> more pictures of the Hamburg Meeting

>> the presentations of the meeting


Article by Dagmar Schuster